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Students eat outside at assigned seats with their classmates at designated picnic tables according to the most current county health regulations. Students may bring a packed lunch or participate in the school lunch program. School lunches are available every school day and will be provided free of charge to all students. If you do not want your child to receive school lunches please let their teacher know.

Morning snacks are encouraged in addition to lunch options.

California became the first state in the country to approve FREE meals to ALL STUDENTS moving forward. The meal components offered by PAUSD Food Services comply with all United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and California Department of Education (CDE) standards and calorie limitations.

Due to the increase in meal participation starting this school year some changes are necessary:

Second lunches will not be served.

Under the guidelines for the free meals for all students, only one lunch per student is allowed. If you feel that your child will need additional food throughout the day, please send additional snacks with them at the time of drop off. Students will need to utilize their lunch card so that meals can be accurately counted.

Elementary students will no longer sign up for specific entrees in the classroom.

PAUSD offers vegetarian entrees daily. PAUSD Food Services will try to accommodate all students wanting meals with the food available but, cannot guarantee that students will receive their desired preference on the days where two entrees are offered (Mondays and Fridays).

No cash transactions

Meals are FREE to ALL STUDENTS moving forward. There is no need to deposit money on your student's lunch account. Cash will not be taken at the point of service. There is no option to pay for additional meals as second meals are not allowed at this time.

Reusable Lunch-ware at elementary sites on hold

Due to the increase in meal participation, Food Services will be using compostable lunch trays and flatware. Please place the trays and flatware items in the appropriate collection receptacle.

Food Services will assess the menu monthly

The menu selections and meal participation will be assessed monthly. There are entrees that were served pre-pandemic that are not feasible with FREE meals for ALL STUDENTS. Pizza Day will not be on our menus weekly. There will be limited choices available to accommodate the increased meal participation. Please refer to the menu for daily selections.

For more information please call Food Services at 650-329-3720.

Help Fellow Nixon Students & Families by Understanding Severe Peanut Allergies

Peanut [and tree nut] allergies, including severe peanut allergies, have increased in school-age children. To help ensure the safety of all our children, it is very important that we all try to avoid inadvertently triggering an allergic reaction. The same information and precautions apply for children with tree nut allergies, like cashew, almond, pecan, pistachio, etc.

Kids with severe peanut allergies do not have to eat peanuts to get sick.

Any exposure can cause an allergic reaction, and exposure to peanuts can happen any of the following ways:

  • Direct contact with peanut products, such as eating or touching peanuts;

  • Cross contact with peanuts, such as exposure to items containing trace amounts of peanuts or peanut oil (for example, snacks packaged on the same equipment or in the same factory as peanuts); or

  • Inhalation of peanut dust.

For a child who is allergic to peanuts, the reaction to peanut exposure can be severe and swift. In some cases, a child might suffer anaphylactic shock, in which the child's airway swells shut and the child's blood pressure plummets. This reaction requires immediate medical attention and can result in death.

We ask all students who have peanut-containing food items in their lunch to eat at the designated tables for nut eating. Lunch supervisors will remind those students who have eaten peanut food to wash their hands before playing. We have found children to be very willing to comply with this request when they understand that it helps another child with allergies to be safe.

Here are some tips that will help you reduce the risk of accidental peanut exposure:

  • Do not bring peanuts or peanut-containing products to school (this includes peanut butter and foods prepared in peanut oil);
  • Have your child wash his or her hands and face and brush their teeth before school if they have eaten any peanut products at home;
  • Wash your hands before and after eating or handling food that contains peanuts;
  • Plan for safe parties and classroom projects, avoiding peanuts and peanut-containing products;
  • Read food labels for food allergy warnings, including listing peanuts (or peanut oil or peanut flour) as an ingredient, or stating "processed in a factory that shares equipment with peanuts" or "processed on equipment shared with peanuts;"
  • Discourage food trading and sharing among students;
  • Explore alternatives to peanut butter and granola snacks, like fruits, veggies and sunflower butter.
  • When in doubt, avoid questionable foods.

The goal is to provide a healthy, safe, inclusive environment for all to learn.

Source: Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network