Daily Schedule
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri | Wed & Minimum Days | |
Start Time | 8:00am | 8:00am |
Dismissal (K) | 11:45am (until 10/11) 2:05pm (from 10/15) |
11:45am (until 10/11) 1:10pm (from 10/15) |
Dismissal (1-3) | 2:05pm | 1:10pm |
Dismissal (4-5) | 2:30pm | 1:10pm |
Minimum days are
- 8/30/24
- 12/20/24
- 4/4/25
- 6/5/25
We have limited parking available at Nixon and many families travel to / from school by automobile. Please familiarize yourself with the following Arrival and Dismissal procedures to help our students transition smoothly to and from campus each day.
Morning Arrival
Student supervision is not available before school. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:45 AM and must head directly to their classroom.
Instruction begins at 8:00 AM. A "warning" bell will ring at 7:55 AM. Students arriving after 8:00 AM will be considered tardy. All students who are late must go to the office for a late slip.
Parents of students who are consistently dropped off earlier than 7:45 AM will receive formal notification by the school office.
Student supervision is not available after school. When school is dismissed, all students must leave campus for home or childcare or proceed directly to their afterschool program.
On dismissal, all students will go to their designated pick-up / exit location (Tolman Gate, Mears Gate, or Drive-Thru Area), where they should be picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal. No supervision is provided after that time.
Students who are not picked up within 10 minutes of school dismissal will be sent to wait at the school office where parents will be called. Please pick up your children promptly.
Families with both primary (K-3rd grade) and upper grade (4-5th) students must wait outside of the pick-up locations for upper grade dismissal to avoid disrupting upper grade instruction, afterschool programs, and teacher planning / preparation duties.
The community is welcome to enjoy our campus outside the hours of 7:45 AM-4:00 PM provided their presence does not disrupt After School programs, staff meetings and/or teacher preparation activities.
Note: Kindergarten is released at 11:45 AM each day through October 11, 2024. Beginning October 15, 2024, Kindergarten students will be released at the same times as grades 1-3.