There are a variety of ways that the school regularly maintains communication and provides information to the parent community. Our Nixon website ( is the most accessible source of a variety of information about Nixon.
Principal Newsletter - The Nixon News
The Principal newsletter is an occasional publication sent home electronically. This newsletter is intended to inform families about topics of interest as well as any important changes in district or school policy.
Nixon eNews
Nixon publishes a weekly or as needed email newsletter which is an excellent resource for a summary of Nixon events and calendar reminders.
Friday Folders
The key to staying current with classroom activities and teacher communication is to look for your child's Friday Folder. Each student gets one and they go home every Friday with information, classroom homework, flyers, field trip notices, room parent request, etc. Help your child keep up with their classroom activities by reading through the Friday Folder with them.
Parent-Teacher Conferences, Progress Reports
Scheduled conferences are held in the Fall, with an optional one in the Spring. Progress Reports: These will be available to parents on Infinite Campus in November, March and June. Specific directions for accessing the progress reports will go home to each family by email and the Friday folder on the same day that the progress reports become available.
Annual Report to the Community
Each spring, we publish a comprehensive School Accountability Report Card (SARC) which describes various aspects of our school program as defined by the State Department of Education. You can find the report posted on the district website ( . Select the button "About PAUSD" and then "School Accountability Report Cards."
Visiting School
For health and safety, the State recommends limiting adult to adult contact and only allowing visitors as necessary. Mask protocols apply. If a visit is necessary, please make arrangements with teachers in advance and check in at the main office.
Further Information
There are a number of very specific policies and safeguards that we would like all parents to be aware of and able to find relevant information should it become necessary. Here are some brief descriptions and links to board policies that have not otherwise been referenced in our Parent information section of the Nixon website:
Williams Act information
All students attending public school in California are assured of having a school facility in good condition, access to textbooks and instructional materials and a qualified teacher. If a parent has a concern about any of these the following link will connect to a form which can be used to submit a complaint.
Tobacco Use
Any use of tobacco is prohibited on school grounds and the appropriate policy can be viewed here:
Uniform Complaint Procedure
Any individual, public agency or organization may file a written complaint of the district's alleged noncompliance with federal or state laws or regulations governing educational programs. Click below for the full board policy: